While storing your hard-earned work money at a bank is a great way to keep it safe, there are times you will need some in case of an emergency. Instead of asking your peers to let them borrow you some cash, consider keeping some inside a banker safe.
Having a banker safe at home gives you peace of mind that you have some spare money you can use for emergencies. Thus, choose the right one for your needs by considering the following factors.
1. Mind The Size
Every vault manufacturer makes a banker size with different sizes to accommodate the space of a place. Remember that its capacity depends on its size, which is why you should be mindful of how big or small it is.
2. Security Level
When it comes to the security level of a safety deposit box, you should take note of its portability and heaviness. If you plan to leave it at home, make sure it is heavy enough that others can lift it by themselves alone.
3. Fire Resistance
When choosing a vault, be sure to ask the supplier if the one you choose has a fire-resistance feature. That means it can keep your assets safe even when a fire accident happens.
4. Comes With A Warranty
A banker safe should come with a warranty to guarantee you are getting what you will be paying for. It can certify that your chosen vault supplier will be liable if their claims about the quality of the safe are lies.
5. The Type Of Locks
Nowadays, vaults come not only in various sizes but also with various types of locks: mechanical, electrical, and fingerprint. Make sure to ask about the pros and cons of these from your chosen vault supplier before finalising your purchase.
Now you know the factors you need to consider when choosing a vault from a supplier, you can get one for yourself. Start your search now by checking out the safety deposit box from this supplier called Falcon Safe (Singapore)!
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