Strengthening Muscles With a Ballet Based Workout

Ballet dancers are known for their flexibility, but their muscles are much stronger than you think! Ballet requires many strenuous muscle movements that will injure them if done without the proper workout routine. That’s why ballet dance fitness classes in Singapore are becoming more popular.

Here are the four muscles that will benefit from a ballet based workout and why you should sign up for one today.

Upper Leg Muscles

A ballet dancer’s signature look and posture are with their legs extended in a straight line. Not only does this require practised flexibility, but it also requires strong leg muscles to hold that position. One leg must be strong enough to hold up and balance the body, while the other must extend in the air and hold up that position for however long it requires in the ballet dancer workout.

The most used muscles in this group are the hamstrings. These muscles are found in your thighs and are most crucial when lifting your legs. A ballet based workout might include the plié, the jeté, and leg circles are great for engaging these muscles. Meanwhile, you should reserve your quadriceps for jumping. The saute is an example of a ballet jump.

Hips and Glutes

Your hips and glutes support you while you dance, so strengthening them during a ballet class in Singapore is essential. Strengthen these muscles by constantly working on the proper ballet form. You almost always use your glutes and hip sockets in ballet since they’re crucial for turning your legs. Ballet dancers use their hips and glutes for spinning, extending, and jumping. You can perform a good tendu back or arabesque with solid glutes.

One overlooked muscle is the gracilis or the ‘groin’ muscle. Make sure to engage this muscle when you turn out or hold up your rétiré position. This muscle provides further support for your movements.

Lower Leg Muscles

The lower leg muscles refer to your calves and feet, which are essential for spins and jumps in a ballet dancer workout. These muscles are a core aspect of the pointe technique that ballet dancers are known for performing. Ballet dancers also rely on their strength to push them up the air during jumps and soften their landings.

You might often find yourself at the barre during a ballet class in Singapore. The barre is the long handrail attached to the walls of ballet practice rooms, used by dancers to keep their balance. Hold onto the barre when you practise the releve. The releve is a dance movement involving rising on the balls of your feet, strengthening your calves, feet, and ankles.

Back and Core

The back and core may not be the showiest aspect of ballet, but they’re essential for overall balance and stability. These muscles keep you stable during every pose, jump, and turn. Strengthening your back and core also prevents injuries caused by a ballet based workout. Pliés are great exercises for strengthening your core, especially if you add weights.

Do you want to try a ballet dancer workout but don’t know where to start? BalletBody offers ballet fitness classes that don’t require prior knowledge of ballet. Sign up by visiting their website.

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